What is a dental filling?
When the cavity or decay in the tooth is relatively superficial (not deep to involve the pulp or nerve of tooth), the decayed part of the tooth can be cleaned and filled with different materials depending upon the requirement. This is called a dental filling.
What are the different types of dental fillings?
There are many types of fillings which can be broadly categorized into cosmetic and non-cosmetic fillings
Cosmetic fillings (tooth coloured)
a. Composite fillings
These are most commonly used dental fillings these days. They are highly cosmetic and durable. They are actually resin based materials which harden or attain their strength on exposure to specialized LED light.

b. Ceramic inlays and onlays

High in esthetics and strength.
It is an indirect filling procedure, after the cavity is cleaned, an impression or scan is made and sent to the laboratory, where ceramic is moulded into the desired shape and size with extremely high precision. The inlay/onlay is then placed/bonded in the cavity by the dentist in clinic. Though it is a tedious and relatively expensive procedure but it is superior to the composite fillings in every aspect including esthetics and longevity.
Non-cosmetic fillings (Non tooth coloured)
Glass ionomer fillings

Glass ionomer cements: It is low in strength therefore not advisable in your back teeth and because it does not match tooth shade, it cannot be placed in esthetic zone. Though in children, in certain areas GIC may be a good choice.
Amalgam fillings (Silver filling)

Amalgam filling: Highly unaesthetic, silverish black in color. It contains mercury which is harmful to our body. Many countries have banned the use of mercury containing products.
Gold fillings

Gold fillings: It is obsolete because it is unaesthetic and very high in cost.
How do I know I need a dental filling?
Dental cavities may or may not have symptoms. In some cases patient may experience pain, sensitivity, or food lodgement.
Therefore, a routine dental checkup helps to detect cavities if any. Only your dentist can tell you that you need a dental filling or not.
Therefore a regular dental examination once in 6 months is important.
What is the procedure and is it painful?
The cavity is cleaned with high speed smooth turbines. This is followed by filling the defect with high grade filling materials. Superficial cavities are very comfortably done without anesthesia. However, deeper cavities may require administration of anesthesia to numb the tooth before the filling process.
In both the cases, the procedure is not painful.
How do I take care of my teeth after dental filling?
In case anesthesia is given, you will be advised not to eat till the numbness fades away.
Composite resins and ceramic inlays/onlaysusually do not require any after care, you can immediately eat or drink after the filling.
In case of other non-cosmetic fillings, certain precautions like not consuming food or drinks for an hour may be advised.
Does a dental filling stay forever and does not come out ever?
A properly done dental filling stays in place for years if the patient maintains his/her oral hygiene. However,all the fillings need to be replaced over a period of time. This is because the materials wear down due to eating, drinking, clenching and grinding teeth.
A very important factor is patient’s oral hygiene and brushing habits.
Worn out fillings are an entry point for the bacteria which will lead to decay under the fillings known as secondary decay. Many a times patient will not know their fillings have worn out or may even have no symptoms like pain or sensitivity.
Therefore, to stress again, dental checkups every 6 months is very important.
What is the cost of permanent tooth filling?
The price of tooth filling at Indiadens starts from 1500 INR.
Various factors are involved that determine the cost of dental filling. Example: number of tooth surfaces involved, the depth of cavity, type of filling required etc.
To conclude,
1) Dental fillings helps prevent further decay, if done at the right time else other procedures like a root canal treatment or extraction of tooth may be required if the infection gets severe.
2) Pain is not a criteria for any dental treatment (fillings, rct or extraction).
3) get a regular dental check ups to stay away from dental problems.